ESTATE--Unimproved RICHMOND In the new residential district west of Cedar lake and between the boulevards, new carline is now being built right through the property. Less than 20 minutes from down town. Lots $99 to $349. Terms, $1 down, $1 week. Let us show you these lots.
Fisk Fairbanks 425 Plymouth Bldg. Nic. 3317, Dial 84710, South Central PERFECT building Jot. three feet above grade. all improvements fu, at 36th and Bloomington av: 42 feet.
front, in builtup locality, for immediate sale $825. Walnut 1439. REAL ESTATE- -Business Property DESIRABLE business block, net Income $10.828: 580.000 will handle. Curtis. 411 Nic.
REAL ESTATE -Trackage TRACKAGE Our INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT has the following particular features: Arrangement to accommodate any. size of suape of buildinge. Trackage on the long side. Near JOINT FREIGHT STATION. Short distance to CENTER OF CITY.
Paved ARTERIAL STREETS to centers of business district. -Served by STREETCARS, SEWER, WATER, ELECTRICITY, GAS. RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT close by. We offer our services to assist in determining the ground space necessary dustries, and therefore solicit your requirements. CHUTE REALTY East Hennepin and University avs.
BROOKSIDE REALTY BUILDING CO. Call Ofice. Walnut 551 or Walnut 2218. Aut. 009665.
TWO ACRES and new stucco house of five rooms and bath, for sale. All modern: south of Tonkawood station. on Deephaven carline, more land it required. Might take some trade, Owner, J. H.
Bliss. Register of Deeds office, courthonse. SUBURBAN ACRES. Good building sites: ALBERT ANDERSON. 953 Plymouth Bldg.
Xicollet 5064. 35046. BEAUTIFUL Dew. all. modern.
completely furniched cottaze. five rooms. bath. icehouse. four acres.
Clearwater lake. Annandale. Minn: Ane beach. Address Journal. FIVE ACRES at Groveland.
Lake Minnetonka, one-balf infle from Wayzata Bay, on easy terms. S. H. Plummer, Northwestern National Bank. FOUR ACRES near Glen Lake station, ready for crop: price right and easy terms.
Mina.Dak. 939 Met. Life. MODERN seven room house, lot 90x300: low price for quick sale. Terms, Owner.
Walwit 189. TREE LIST "FARMLETS." RURAL HOMES. ACRES. Borer. 933 Security Bldr.
Nie. 4865. REAL ESTATE -Minnetonka. AN IDEAL LAKE MINNETONKA HOME, nine room modern bouse, bot watep heat, hardwood finish, hardwood doors, fireplace, builtin buffet, screened porch: located on high ground on main lake: ideal Jake shore and view, acres: lots of shrubbery, fruit trees and berries; large garden, quarter acre natural timber: near Groveland station, on auto road; can be bought right. 10 acres on Forest Lake north of Spring.
Park, $5,000. Will consider some exchange. A. H. MaRs 215 Palace Bldg.
Nie. 200. ACRES on Deephaven line at Maple station: beautiful country home, sightly view; real Minnetonka grove facing on Schafer's lake; apple orchard and other fruit: house has 10 rooms and bath, electric lights, water system: fireplace; just the thing for your country home. T. R.
MCKENZIE, Nicollet 205. Plymouth Bldg. VERY CHOICE, large wooded lots at Navarre station. ou Casco Point Or at Mound. Only $200 and up.
on terms of $10 down, $5 monthly. Glad to show them, both telephones. Owners. C. F.
E. PETERSON COMPANY, 1128 Metropolitan Life Bldg. RESORTS AND SUMMER HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT--Two splendidly located. comfortably furolshed. on beautiful Coney Island.
Waconia. only 30 miles. from Minneapolis. Coney Island 1s densely woo led. cool and a delightful summer resort: 14 situated in the center of Clearwater lake.
most beautiful body, of water in Minnesota: 2000 fishing. good boating. convenient train service to eit and good automobile roads. Waconia has well stocked stores and modern garage. Apply to James R.
Ferris. 3029 Knox av S. Minneapolis. BUMMER cottage for sale. Birchmont Beach.
Bemiddl, perfect location. two blocks from summer hotel, golf links. Vehon. 411 Nicollet. REAL ESTATE--To Exchange A CLEAR FARM.
240 acres, three miles from market, Marshall county, Minnesota: all Ta prairie, steam plow land. all tillable, excellent soil, free from incumbrance, $8.400: exchange for residence iu Minneapolis or St. Paul. THE 322 DENNY PLYMOUTH LAND BLDG. $5.000 GENERAL merchandiser nice clear stock.
400d lowa town: will deal for farm. merchandise. fine clean stock. doing a good business: offer 118 a 2004 farm at right price. for either one of these stocks.
describe fully. Fielding-Melters. 302 Plymouth building. WILL TRADE three business lots in Minneapolis 011 6th. av N.
between Penn and Queen for Cadillac sedan or Packard "twelve" touring car. These lots represent value of 83.000 and car must be of equal value. Address owner. H. C.
Baer. Bemidji. WE HAVE apartment buildings ranging in price from $35.000 to $175,000. to exchange for good farm land. K.
W. C. ERICKSON Nic. 2440. 212 Plymouth Bldg.
36857. 240 ACRES raw prairie land, deep loam soil; miles from Wilcox. 30 miles south of Regina: price 940 per acre: will take $2,400 trade, $1,000 cash. balance back on land at 6 per cent. Solberg, 727 Plymouth Bldg.
WORTH of farm impiements to exchange for land. SCHWAB 1028 Plymouth Minnen Minn. 160 ACRES. Roseau county. $20 per acre: good unimproved tillable land: will sell or exchange for good Minneapolis lacome propertv.
Inv. 846 Securitv Bide. 810 PER ACRES buys 320 acres good farm land, 25 miles south on railroad survey; mortgage $1,400: partially improved: al bargain: will consider trades. Box 15. Fraser, Mont.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale, good buildings, fine Jocation. nine miles from town or will trade for smalt farm near Minneapolis or St. Paul. S. Mind.
Roosevelt. BRICK store district, building and residence property. Lake will exchange equity of for land. FRANCIS AGENCY, 026 Plymouth bldg. SOUTHEASTERN North Dakota farm lands tor sale exchange.
W. A GREEN. LANTY CO. 5TA Plymonth -Ride YES, will trade equity in that duplex for good fire passenger car. Howe, 403 Andrus building Nicollet 784.
SPECIALIZE. In land. farm and city exchanges. ROPERT8. 612 Pism.
bldg. CHOICE equiries In elty income for good land. HUGH AGENCY 506 Andres bide. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE many prospective purchasers for destrable modern houses in good locktions. We invite listings at right prices.
DAVID C. BELL INVESTMENT SECURITY BI.DG, NORTH SIDE OWNERS New listings needed immediately, Have customers for good building Jots. homes and duplexes. HARRY A. WILLIAMS.
450 McKnight 2560. IF You want to sell. list your property with me. I will give it personal attention: don't delay AN am short of houses. E.
MULDOON, Nic. 3648. 705-6 N. W. Bide.
322 Hennepin. LOOKING for 10 to date home, south central or lake district. Must he well bullt, priced right. Call Kenwood 3279. WE BUY CITY PROPERTY.
ARCTANDER REALTY cO. N. Y. Lite Bide. WANTED Sales or D09 exchanges.
Any klad. R. White Sales Marquette. PARTY wishes to boy immediately, house of bungalow, around 14,000. South 2255, Farm Lands Wanted AGENTS WANT Exclusive territory.
Liberal cuntract, selling our lands In South Dakota, Itallroads run through our land. Best of soll. Prices and terms. very reasonable, Write for booklet and map if you want to represent a big sales organization and can HeIL good corn and mifrita land. We have 100.000 acres to select from.
well, bunched. Address 866. Journal, a a A A A A A Monday Evening, THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL May 12, 1919, PAGE TWENTY-FIVE In. and ton can eateinas AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE DODGE touring. latest model, perfect condition, tires, 5 1917 FORD rondster rims and tr tires Call AUTOMOBILES- -ELECTRICS DETROIT ELECTRIC CAR rectifier sale cheap' at: 1316 Dongles Telephone Ken: wood 2001.
MOTOR TRUCKS Factory Rebuilt Trucks A good selection of factory rebuilt motor trucks, chain and worm drive models, to 3, ton trucks. See LIS before you buy elsewhere. E. Wilcox Meter ConMERS. OF WILCOX TRUCKS, -1050 MARSHALL SE.NE.
East 2090. Aut. 46811. FOR SALE drive tracks with cabs der. Also several Form equipped.
One one used cab. Que AL Acmes. Breton or Distributers. nenin Minnea polite TIRES AND TIRE REPAIRING TIRES HAVE DROPPED Boy now so that you mer without tire tromble RIPEN TIRE CO. 9-0 HENNEPIN ECONOMY TIRE AND REPAIR LINDALE AT LAKE ST.
Out of town repair work soltelted. Dry cure retreading- Cord tire repairing. FREE ROAD MAPS -GOODRICH TIRES. The for the ha bought close REAL ESTATE WANTED Farm Lands Wanted HAVE many buyers for improved farms near the cities. Write.
giving complete data of land for sale. Sylvester, Endicott St. Paul. WISH to buy a partly improved lakeshore farm or prairie land in Minnesota. 0.
A. Ouren. Wanamingo, Minn. WANT lands, 00 matter where located. Only bargains.
Hobart Land Phoenix Bldg. REAL ESTATE- Farm. Lands 850 DOWN and 812 per months buss 40 acres land. This land Is located close to near railroad: good. soil and draluage.
Just what you want for farm home. Let us send you map and particulars. REALTY COMPANY, Main 8. uh Plymouth 33339. 6330.
FOR SALE 640 improved land, Ramsey county. 635 improved farm. and ranch. Pierce N. D.
$50. acres, county, N. D. $35. Minn.
80 acres, Has fair butidings. Will trade 80 acres partly improved, Beltrami county. for good automobile, Deal with owner. A. CLEERE.
179 Kent st. Apt. 2.. St. Pant: 40.
80 OR 160 ACRES. good heavy Minnesota. sol. well settled part of- Todd county. near Jefferson highways good roads, schools and churches.
Price $15 to $22.50 per acre; terms, $1 an acre cash. balance $1 an acre a year. 5,000 acres to select from. SCHWAB 1025 Plymouth Minneapolis. Minn.
FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS- Our official 112 page book Vacant Government Lands" lists and describes every acre in every county in United. States. Tells location. place to an" ply. how secured FREE.
1919 Price diagrams 25, and tables. new laws. lists. etc. cents postpaid.
WEBB PUBLISHING Dept. 15. St. Paul. Mipo.
650 DOWN, no payment for 10 fed years, creek; secures good home farm on spring clay no stone, sand or swamp: good roads, neighbors. schools: 1043 big Plymouth local market. The Minneapolis IMPROVED FARMS and valley. farm in land Minnesota in and the North Dakota. on easy terms.
Let me know famous Red River what you want. John L. Little. Drayton, N. D.
FREE- -List good farm lands. Dueholm Land Co. Shubert St. Paul. Minn.
Minnesota Lands MINNESOTA MUTUAL INVESTMENT COMPANY offers a very well improved farm. Scandinavian community, near Willmar and inland town; very fine buildings, good well and soil, grove: balance pastures and meadows; price 126 acres black loam field, clay sub8105 per acre: easy terms. 801 Met. Bank Bldg. 235 ACRE well improved farm In Fillmore county, four miles from town: large, seven room house, two barns, log cornerib, granary, machine shed, cattle shed, other buildings; home orchard, berries, ete.
$177.50 per acre. Terms Morpe 208 Andrus Minneapolis, Minn, FOR SALE, choice quarter section, all under plow, fine improvements, miles from Lakeville. Best of black loam, all fenced and crossfenced. Will be sold at very low price if. taken at once.
For price and terms address Box 22, Lakerille, Dakota county, Minn. WRITE for prospectus of our 15.000 acres of selected land In Itasca county, Minnesota. which we own. and well on our easy payment plan. MEADOW LAND 807 Met.
Bank Bide HERE IT I8-Four acres best of land, 30 rods from school, 80 rods from railroad depot and small town, good six room house and outbuildings: snap if taken at once. H. A. Zum Brunnen. Hasty, Minn.
22 ACRES. lake shore, all high and dry, splendid fishing lake, railroad station 011 lake shore, $425: terms $15 cash, $5 monthly. Kleinman. 410 Palace Bldg. FARM WARGAINS -Central and northwestern Minnesota, large or small tracts, choice list.
Easy terms. W. A. Hotchkiss, 722 Plymouth Bldg. WRITE for list of prairie land in northwestern Minnesota.
improved and unimproved. Em. pire Farms Company. Thief River Falls, Minn. VERMILLION LAKE water front.
161 acres, $12 per, acre. Beautifully wooded tract with inland lakes. J. T. Dunphy, Duluth.
Minn. CHOICE FARMS Todd county. Minnesota, Waite Van Dyke Van Dyke, Long Prairie, Minn. Wisconsin Lands Opportumity Knocks 120 level acres, 100 under plow, 20 timber in pasture; fine trout In pasture: no stone; dark mixed clay loam soil. clay subsoll: fenced and crossfenced, part woven wire: nearly new seven room house, tine barn 40x70 with hay carrier: litter carrier, granary, poultry house.
log house, corncrib, machiue shed, silo; fruit trees, half mile from school: 9 fine odwa, 1 calf, 4 splendid horses, 3 brood sows. 9 pigs. 80 chickens: mower. rake. drill, disk, gang plow, har rows, corn planter, corn binder, cultivators, scales, gasoline engine, silo filler, litter.
spreader. 2 wide tired wagons, buggy, sleighs. 2. sets harness. cream separator, 500 fenceposts, hay, corn, oats, machinery new and strictly firstelass; all crops and everything included at $100 an half cash.
balance to suit. miles from Dunn: county -town on Soo line, 65 miles east of St. Paul. A splendid farm and bargain. EQUITY REALTY EXCHANGE, 806 Globe St, Paul, Minn.
$500 STARTS YOU. On A farm with buildings. stock. tools. with no payments on principal and interest for fire veara.
Also monthly and vearly payments with benefits credit plan when $500 is naid. 11ardwood silt loam land. and Oconto counties. Wisconsin. Home Lands.
Ine. 431 8 Dearborn st. Chicago. 111. Minneapolis office.
1021 Security bulldnig. FOR SALE- -Dairy and stock farms in the Drummond district of Bayfeld county. In tracts of 40. S0, 160 acres and up. Productive soil, on good roads, close to schools and markets.
Take advantage of our easy payment plan and become the owner of. one of these fertile farms. Low price. small cash payment and long time on balance. RUST-OWEN LUMBER COMPANY.
Department A. DRUMMOND. WISCONSIN. FOR SALE 200 acres good clay land. 80 acres plowed, 35 acres cleared: 'balance pasture and timber.
150,000 feet logging timber: five miles from town, on main traveled road, fair Het. buildings: good water: six horses, 20 milch cows, 14 head young stock, pure bred Gurnsey bull, 100 sheep: good line machinery. Fenced with woven wire Price half cash. H. J.
Ellsworth, Jim Falls, Wis. IF YOU WANT farm home write for free information about railway land grant lands do upper Wisconsin: good ha ed wood lands. well located, and on favorable terms: write for Booklet No. 48. Address Soo Railway, 488 800 Line Minneapolis.
Minn. 80 ACRES. fine farming land, Vilas county, new log bungalow, five acres cleared, Bargain at $1,600. $300 down, $50 year. Yale Land 532 McKnight Minneapolis.
FREE Wisconsin Bulletins: Soil, climate and crops. Immigration Bureau, Department of Auriculture. Madison. Wis. FARM BARGAINS, 60 miles twin cities.
Free list, map. Baker, 0-87. St. Falls, Wis. FOLK county land.
ens terma. Write for Amort. WIn North Dakota Lands FOR SALE- -640 nere farm in Richland county, N. all tillable, about. 500 acres in crop, Five miles fo town.
New house, fair barn and granary, consolidated school; soil a rich black. Part of. crop goes with farm. Easy payments. Want connections with eastern land agents.
Galchutt Land Galchutt. N. IMPROVED wheat, alfalfa, fax tand. Best part of eastern N. for sale by owner on easy terme.
Write for map. New Rockford vestment Co. New Rockford. N. Canadian Lands $1.000 TO $5,000 DOWN as first payment, easy terms on balance.
gos you one of our real buys in Sask, wheat lands. Call at our office or write for full particulars. Solberg. 727 Plymouth. Minneapolis, Minn.
South Dakota. Lands GOOD CORN LAND in South Dakota, close to town and rallroad, with prices. and terms very reasonable. Write for free map and literature. AMERICAN SECURITY INVESTMENT 238 Security Bldg.
Main 8748. Minneapolis, Minn. California Lands OUR 10 and 20 acre tracts for fruit, alfalfa anil poultry make ideal homes in the Sueramento valley. Excursion party leaving May 15. Call or write us today for booklet.
MACRAMENTO SUBURBAN FRUIT LANDS 00. McKnight Minneapolis. Minn. Montana Lands. FINE half section near Chinook.
Montana, Fenced. excellent soil. All tillable. $10 per nere. Easy terms.
Owner removed to Californin and anxious to sell. Write him W. H. Otterburn. 1810 at, Sacramento.
Calif. FOR RENT -Farms RENTS 50. Hubbard county: five room house, hog pasture. 20. field: free fuel; act quick; raise crop: move in.
323. Parnesyille, Minn. IMPROVED FARMS for rent or ale. J. Ordeld.
501 Metropolitan Bank Bldg. MOVING AND CARTING MPLS. TRANSFER WAREHOUSE C0.7 16 7th et N. Phones. Main 00 Aut.
77665. When packing, moving dE storing FoRt household goods use our unequaled Reduced rates on bousehold goods east and west. Satisfaction assured. COLLECTION AGENCIES MERCHANTE COLLECTION AGENCY, 1010 New York Lite building. Minneapolis.
FOR RENT -Furnished Rooms ROOM DIRECTORY FOR Room Hunters Should you fall to And listed below the room yon want, call at the Want Ad counter of The Journal for Room Directory, The Journal maintains this service for your convenience. New list out every Wednesday. HARVARD -AIL outside sunny rooms. KITCHENETS, bath, phone. 12 10th S.
Central FOR RENT- Highgrade kitchenet apartments, two and three rooms, everything furnished. MATTA WA 1401 Yale place. Main -1513 PARK AV. -Two connecting relit separate for light housekeeping ins rooms: reasonable. Nicollet LARGE furnished room, suitable for four girls, light housekeeping privileges.
Main 1570. 11th ST 8. 129- Large. well furnished cooms: newly decorated Main. 11th ST S.
120. -New furnished rooms. for light housekeeping. Main 7570. Lake District BRYANT S.
2540- -Modern. furnished room for gentlemen: private family. Kenwood 4026. FURNISHED light honsekeeping rooms, very reasonable, South 5592. South Central PARK AV.
2006 Furnished apartment; also sleeping rooms, all modern, first floor. Board if desired. Housekeeping Rooms PORTLAND AV. -2634: two room Apartment, nicely furnished and decorated. Heat, light.
gas and telephone. $25. 2D AV S. 3200. -Two room unfurnished apartment.
Heat. light, veas and telephone. FOR RENT-Board and Rooms WILL BOARD elderly lady or semiinvalid. in nice. quiet home at reasonable price, Phone Coltax 3413.
Address 3934 Stevens av. FOUR pleasant unfurnished front rooms on carline. 4100 Nicollet av. Colfax 1755. FOR RENT- Unfurnished Rooms FOUR downstairs.
916 5th av S. 810. Three upstairs. 918. $6 to small family.
near bustness center. HOTELS AND APARTMENTS The Monten Apartments 501 14th st. In the planning and construction of this building the owner and architects have done. their utmost in order to create A HOMELIKE and PERFECT apartment building for Minneapolis. It is located within eight minutes' walk to the center of the city.
Its inner arrangement is such as to save space and conserve energy. Housekeeping in this apartment must be joy supreme. The building is equipped with every modern innovation designed for the comfort and convenience of the guests. Kitchenets are all furnished with refrigerators, gas ranges. broom closets.
china closets, stationary ironing boards, Pullman corners. ete. Baths are all tiled. furnisned with beantiful lavatories. low builtin recessed tubs, porcelite toilet covers, etc.
All apartments are luxuriously furnished with highest grade solid mahogany upholstered furniture, costly rugs, imported damask overdrapes, concealed beds, two in some, apartments. floor lamps, spinnet desks. teacarts, beautiful dressers in every electrically illuminated closet- everything to suit the most discriminating guest. A large ballroom. laundry, locker space.
ice. gas and electric light furnished free by the management. Maid service optional. Call Dr. A.
F. Elmquist. 1421 Portland av. Main 7121. Owner and manager of THE ELMS.
LOWENHAUPT APTS. 1329 Yale place. LOCATED CLOSE TO LORING PARK. RENT Front one or three room, kitchenet and bath apartment. furnished or unfurnished.
Phone in apartment. JOHN H. DAVIDSON. 723 Ply mouth Bldg. Nie.
671. 672. Tri-State 34169. Hotel Hastings NEW- -MODERN- $1.50 -FIREPROOF. Daily Rates, up.
Weekly Rates, $8, $9, $10. 150 outside rooms with private bath. Dining room, moderate prices. Beautifully situated corner. 12th and Hawthorn av.
One block off North. See "DAVIDSON" for KITCHENET APARTMENTS New bulldings. very highelass, furnished unfurnished apartments, 8 rooms witch kitchenet and bath. Call for Rental Department. John H.
Davidson, 723 Plymouth Bldg. Tel. Nicollet 671 and 672. 34169. APPLETON VILLA 615 16TH ST room kitchenet, bath and dressing room, all furnished beautifully; free ice, light, phone In batt: new buttding: no dren.
Call Main 7015, 101 or Janitor. MARYLAND-Fireproof. Grant et and Vine place. The most modern and exclusive apartments in Minneapolis; Exceptional cafe service. For full tariff F.
C. Fink. Mer. FURNISHED ROOMS. 55.
86 week: $7 with private bath: second person $1 additional. Concord Lexington. 65 11th st S. Main 1480. A few suites, one room.
bath and NEW PASO ROBLES. Beautifully furnished ole and two room kitchenet apartments, South 2458. THE ELMS. 1421 PORTLAND-Highelass, furnisbed or unfurnished one, two and three room apartineuts. FOR RENT -Furnished Furnished Flats.
CHELSEA APARTMENTS. 1820 Stevens $34 to $38 Nicely furnished modern two and three room kitchenet and batir anartments for rent at excellent location walking distance: free N. W. phone, CHASE INVESTMENT. 734 McKnight BIde.
or agent. 1530 Steven. av. THREE ROOM kitchenet unit bath: furnished. complete: piano if wanted.
Will be vacant. June 720 140 Apartment $20-1791 ELLIOT two room. kitchenet: $20 three rooms, all furnished. Tenet, 105 good loch, tian walking din building. ALL MODERN furnished housekeeping apart ment for rent: also two for light housekeeping.
Sonth. 1381. Furnished Houses $85 -FURNISHED house: 850, splendid home; 824, furnished fat. South 430, 52408. Furnished Duplexes COMPLETELY furnished upper duplex, tive rooms, den, large screened porch.
840. 2403 Grand av. FOR RENT -Unfurnished Houses $30 708 10th st 8, 11 room. sultable for rooting newly decorated inside and out: fn fratelans condition. It.
S. Leighton, 848 Security bldg. South Central COTTAGE for rent, eight rooms, hard wood floors, electrle lights, 100 ft. lot for garden. 2720 2d ny 8.
Inquire M. L. Cohen, 239 Nicollet av. NINE ROOM bouse, modern, hard wood Boors. electric lights.
8051 12th AV 8. $27,50 per month. Inquire Nicollet 1800. 815- SIX ROOM HOUSE, 1709 1 Sist st. PettitHauge-Persinger Co.
South 825- -3240 19th AV 8. seven rooms, all modern residence. good location: large garden space, H. Leach. 408 Phoenix building BEAUTIFUL Dew seven room house with A rage.
$40 per month. 111 45th North LAUDERDALE 00. 826 PLY MOUTH BLDG. have good lower duplex, 1209 Lyndale, modern, at No 9124 4th N. three room bungalow.
810, 125 Lowry A 88: 229 Northeast SEVEN ROOM AND BATH, modern but beat convenient to 500 You can wet half your rent hack for single room. Main 7898. weekdays. East 1515 Sundar. FOR RENT- Unfurnished Flats BRENTWOOD APARTMENTS Strictly up to date one and two room apartments.
in attractive. modern close to business section and park. Very reasonable rentals, Will furnish. 117-127 Grant Main 6040. Furnished or Unfurnished Conveniently located one and two room apartments, new.
modern buildings, moderate rentals. ELMHURST APARTMENTS. Main 4387. 1325 Vine place. VERY.
ATTRACTIVE five room 1718 liennepin ay; modern. beated; only 830 en year Hal THE FINANCE COMPANY, OF 638 Bldg. Lake District $40--1721 ELLIOT AV. frat door. all modern.
steam heat. Janitor service: very bright flat. 4. LAKE HARRIET APARTMENTS. 4410 Lake Harriet boulevard, Two rooms.
bath and kitchenet. FINE heated apartment four rooms. bath. Call Coltax 6102. MODERN six room.
apartment. 2421 Emerson AV South Central SOMETHING nice in three rooms, kitcheent and bath. Just vacated. Walking distance. Call at 720 14th st.
Apt. 2. 827 BEAUTIFUL two room kitchenet, 2439 Blaisdell. No. 6.
May 1. Call Nie. 1419. MODERN first door five rooms and sunparlor. 3421 2d ay S.
Ant. 657268. $12- F1V1 upper. wet sink, Inquire 1st av S. Coltax 3054.
Southeast FIVE ROOM heated lower fat. $35, Call fat 5. 515 5th Fav SE. FOR RENT -Unfurnished Duplexes. South Central PORTLAND, 2523 Upper duplex, Ax rooms, Bath.
modern, rent Adults only, Colfax 3096. FOR RENT--Lake Cottages FURNISHED complete except linens, and cleaned. electric lights. telephone, big screened porch, boat. prizate dock.
-three hours run in auto from city, two miles walk to nearest town. All deliveries, free. Terms $150 Simmer, stay as late as you like. Write P. 0..
Box 238. Litchdeld, Minn. FOR RENT--Miscellaneous. LARGE two story barn for rent at 1928 Portland av, faces the street: good location for, autos, storage, ete.r will remodel. R.
S. Leighton, Securite B10k. STORAGE space, second floor. 602. 3d st N.
Call purchasing department. Loose- Wiles Biscult Company. 214 6th ST S. 20x48 with basement. W.
L. HARRIS REALTY CO. Nir. 2166. New England Bldg, 32332.
ONE very fine, up to date storeroom, $35 per. month, T. K. Kelly. 2548 Nicollet ay.
Business Property FINE brick bullding, 23,000 feet floor space, or part. Corner Vashington and University ave; excellent manufacturing Jocation: convenient trackage. Superior Electric Mfg. 1416 University ay SE. 26,000 FEET of well lighted, sprinkled space for rent in wholesale district: new 10.
foot electric elevator: will divide and remodel to suit. R. S. 848 Security Bldg. Halls and Lodge Rooms FURNISHED HALL, centrally located, for permanent lodge meetings and special occasiona.
STAG HALT. 322 Nicollet. M. 4770. 36422.
Offices and Desk Room OFFICES for rent. See janitor, Upham Bldg, Raymond and University. Midway 2769. PRIVATE office with or without use of stenos ranher, 742 Builders Bids. WANTED TO RENT Houses Wanted WANTED House or lower duplex having nice.
yard. near grade school. Ken wood 2172. ROLLABLE couple wish to rent furnished house Or flat: best references. South 2250.
Rooms Wanted WANTED By lady alone, by May 20. In modern home or flat. one furnished room with kitchenet or use of kitchen, for very light housekeeping. walking distance, permanent tenant if suited, south or east side preferred. Address Mrs.
J. Hatch. 415 14th st. WANTED -Nicely furnished. room, centrally 10- cated, by young couple: best of references.
Address 931. Journal, Lake Cottages -Wanted SMALL summer cottage wanted, near city. Address 939, PERSONALS HOUSEROLD GOODS packed, moved apd stored. or shipped at Cut Rates. Best of facilities In all departments.
including a big Fireproof Warehouse with many steam heated rooms and ments. large Freight House with ample trackage. and many bigh grade Motor and Horse-Drawn Moving Vans. THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. City Office 16 So.
7th st. Warehouse Office, 400 1. Lake Freight House Offee. 1000 Washington. Phones: T.
S. 39 161 or Main 656. Rheumatics Your money back If sou are not bone. fited after six treatments. Dr.
Walter Berg, 204 Medical Block. Nic. 6231. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, permanently removed by electricity; exclesive specialist; expert operator. MISS AMES 622 Nicollet.
Suite 425. Aut. 86530. Main, 414, Special appointment for out of town patients. FALSE TEETH BOUGHT 50e to $1h.
We buy old gold. Call or mall: DENTAL BROKERAGE C0. 520 Palace Bide. DR. ALEXINE YOUNG, surgeon and chiropodist.
210 Wilmae Bldg. 719. Nicollet av. Nic. 7827.
hair, permanently removed. Misa Iverson, to L. Holliater. 609 Nic. Ne.3411 CARPET CLEANING--RUG MF'G.
RUG CLEANING It costs no more to have your rugs cleaned en our superior way. Try US. We guarantee better: work at the same cost. W. A.
ALDEN COMPANY, 10th NT MOVING AND CARTING 28 20 LONG DISTANCE MOVING If moving to or from any point withIn 50 miles Minneapolis, don't fall to get our rates for Motor Van: Service. Five, els or even seven rooms of household goods may be taken at one load. sating most of the packing and handling and much of the time required for moving by freight. We also banl mischandise for business houses. TED BOYD TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.
City Office, 16 6 7th 3 4 28 35 wITEN planning to move in the out down, get our estimate to pack, whip or deliver your household itonde. Aute trucks, horse drawn vans. expert packers, and fine fireproof warebouse ald 10 giving frate class service, THE CAMERON TRANSFER STORAGE CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS secured in all countries prompt and reliable service. Advice free.
E. Cari sen: 742 PLYMOUTH MPLA. MINN. WILLIAMSON MERCHANT, patent attorneys. Main office.
Stetropolitan Life olis. Minn. 62 McGill Bide. Washington. D.
1918 OVERLAND CHUMMY. And many other bargains. Come and see these good used cars. Tues are well worth the money, BARRETT ZIMMERMAN, MIDWAY, ST. PAUL.
Special machinery and expertenced workmen. We rive protunt service- and firstclass work attractive prices. Ship one piston and all pins with. cylinder. Work called, for and delivered in elty, HAWLEY MFG.
1024 Ramsey st NE. Telephone East 2000. MARE YOUR USED CAR new again. We are especially equipped to rebore cylinders and it them with oversize pistons, giving prompt and careful service at standard prices. In shipping from out of town include with the cylinder block one sample piston and wrist HOYD AUTO AND WAGON SHOPS.
2933 4th 8. Owned by Boyd Transfer Co. LARGEST STOCKS. LONGEST TERNS. Hudson Super 1917 Buick Touring 1918 Buick Roadster 1917 Chandler Chummy Nelson Chummy 1917 Peerless Touring Studeba ker Touring Oldsmobile 8 Pouring Ford Touring Others on the Floor BARTLETT 1629 Heanenin Series 18 Studebaker Touring Car This car.
has been overhauled and repainted, and has five cool Brand pew storage battery. new one man top with double bevel edge plate glass curtain Car can be bought reasonable. Nee tis al once. The Gray. Motor Company, 14th and Hennepin.
D. BARTLETT CO. Main 8457. 8. Ant.
86278. AUTOMOBILES. PRICE. CHEVROLET touring car with demountable MIDLAND touring car, six top seven passenger linder motor, electric lighted and started, original price $2,500, our price $650. NAXON SIX touring car.
car. This machine in A-1 BEGIN touring condition in every. respect. Runs new like and looks like new. NORTHWESTERN AUTO 1500 HARMON PLACE.
BARRETT ZIMMERMAN, MIDWAY, ST. PAUL Used car department. Don't fail to visit our used car department. You will be able to buy a good used car at a bargain price. 1917 Allen, 1918 Dixie.
1917 Dodge, 1915 Maxwell, Oldsmobile 8- 1916 Chevrolet. Apd. many others. ONE ALLEN TOURING CAR. Driven 400 miles, fully equipped, bargain.
These CITE Are In the best of condition. Alto one four estfader touring. A ride in them will convince con. For particular call or phone us. MIDWEST MOTOR SALES, INC.
USED CARS OF QUALITY 1424-26 HENNEPIN. NIC. 7302. CHALMERS ROADSTER 5 tires, fully equipped exStarter. $950 cash takes itcept 101 SO.
16th ST. SPECIAL bargain, accessories. 1018 Ford sedan. Ford cars, Univeranl Car agency. A.
M. Smith, Prop. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 806 4th st S. Nie, 6134.
DIST. FOR CASE SIXES. 1917 Hudson Super Sedan Minnesota Motor Sales 4215 LENNEPIN AV 118-WINTON touring. and 1910 Endson 6-40 touring. 1917 Color touring.
HUDSON USED CAR 1 10 Hennepin ax. 1918 49 Buick, Seven Pass. LONG MOTOR 1409 HENNEPIN SAVE MONEY. BUY BELT AUTO INSURANCE. Fire and theft rate: $1 ber 5100.
Lin. and property damage, THE AUTO INDEMNITY ASH' 1000 Bids Malt 1918 BUICK, FIVE PASS ZEKMAN AUTOMOBILE 151140 HENNEPIN AV CADILLAC TOURING Seven 8200 down OVERLAND CHED CAR DEPT FOR SALE FIVe 2000 condition, two evening for any we 71401. East River Pond. FORDS A BUY. ALL MODELS.
GUARANTEED 11. CHRISTIAN AUTHORIZED FORD DEAL.ER. 1417 1917 OAKLAND TOL RING 1917 MAXON 1917 OLD AUTO 517 FINANCE EXCHANGE MOTOR CO. 907 HENNEPIN six roadater, 17 model BUICK We hate Fenton Berry, 217 PORED roadster, excellent condition -perdomelet. absorbera, delivery desired.
SILO Sth Holth 0011. FILADI 1017 Studeba HUN en venger car, electric lights and starter for Font or lighter East FORD TOURING AND ROADSTERS of all kinds Hammond Flaber. 11th near Hennenfo. ENT PRICES thodet and Brice Motor 012 PACKARD SIX. NeVER covers, overhauled.
Cash bargain. Kenwood 1743. LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCK. condition, price right. Call 1153.
8. Custek, FOR HALE Light trader, suitable for Ford Inquire Northern Machinery 503. 6th M. COLE touring car for wale reasonable, Phone Nicollet 2487. Can be seen at Pence 1918 FORD roadster.
looks Inst In bent of condition. Bryant At 8. USED FORDS Touring and Tondsters. CHEAP. Potta Motor Car 1017 4th 1917 Buick Snap, $675 FINANCIAL.
Spot Cash ENO FOR 850 8108, 8300.81.000, 35.000, 8 10.000 Liberty Bondswe handle thonsands of bonds. do pay very to Now York of urices. darge volume bustA market of NEW TORE STOCK EXCHANGE IT 40 We have over $1.800.000 Which would impossible, were pot but, considerably above OUT OF TOWN RESIDENTS BONDS BY REGISTERED CASHIER'S MONEY ORDER WILL THE DAY. WITH OUR RETURN RONDE IP 18 UNSATISFACTORY LADIES GIVEN COURTROUS ATTENLION, United Bond Company, Liberty Bonds Exclusively. 616-618 Palace Bldg.
Sixth Floor, Minneapolis, Minn. BID CAPITAL HANK BUILDING, PALL MINNA LIBERTY BONDS Bought for CASH Based on New Fork Stock Exchange etion, from which we deduct a small handliog charge. Late New. Cork: Stock Exchange prices inchading all coupons, and accrued tutereat were. 850 Bonds, $100 Honda First $12.64 $105:3: Second 50.10 100.20 Third 19.81 Fourth 96.74 We rent for all bonds on date of Send your bonds to us by registered C.
PER PENT paid on tine certitleates ur deposit for air months or one year. which are gnaranteed under the state law. The safest kind of an investment. Invest your money with us. Prompt and efficient service.
Security State Bank. New N. MORTGAGE LOANS on Minneapolis real estate for borrower er fender: tire or tornado Insure auce: real estate and rentals, D. C. BELT.
INVESTMENT COMPANY. SECURITY BLDO. MONPY TO LOAN on Improved applications Plenty of money for good Write you want a Joan. INTERSTATE SECURITIES COMPANY. Entire Fourtir Floor.
Oneida CHOICE 6 PER CENT farm mortgages for. interest collected free of charge titles anteed: 23 seura experience: best of ences. Write for Inst. Interstate Securities Oneida Bide. MONEY always on hand to loan upon real tater no delay answer or deal.
Bullding loans, Lowest rates. Choice Jonna for Thorpe Bros. Andras go CAPITAL TRUST SAVION real HANK. NE. PAUL Loans en Improved Mpla.
estate. Lowest rates, Mpla CO. representatives. ARTHUR P. SMITIL Ply mourn Bide.
WE HAVE several to place on city property handled at 6 per Your money carefully and Interest Butters collected. GOOD need of funds Minneapolis for brat mortgage in mortgages. When La wee us. MOORE BROS, 71. Nicollet.
Choice PRIVATE PARTY WIll loan property up to 87.000 on real without Minn apolla Address per cent commission. 1717, Journal, MONEY TO Applications, on improved Minaranolla property. BE pronutly considered. MORTGAGES bought or Tonne quickie closed. Van Met.
Slyke. Bank Bide. treasurer, HOLLAND INV. CO. LOANS made in Northeast Minneapolis, Come tracts bought.
Domine, 2407 Central D. CONE CO. 1102 Met. Life Have 81.000 and more for Improved city LOANS on Co city property, McKalcht lowest D. P.
Jones Bldg, FIRST and second 0 mortgage Brien. property. delay, 212 MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE LOANS, N. Y. LIFE ELDO.
POT. money to Inv. on cholee. McKnight propertya Towle Jamieson Co. PER Inv.
CENT money property Relate Co. 841 Ida. Nie. 5003. FOIL REAL ESTATE LOANS RENTALS.
The Minn. Conn Trust Co. Marquette, FIRST and second elty property, no delay, N. Schneider. FIRST and mortgages made and honight, contracts Nearer 120 Semanth WISH to buy coutract for deed or second mort Address.
20 MTGS. and contracts In bought eltent. Thompson Bros. Security Bidis Jay, Nickels city property: Smith, 311 Nicollet. 00 LOANS on lowest Tales: do LOANS on elty, at lowest rates.
M. Peterson. Union State Bank. MONEY TO LOAN ou elty, property. Morgan.
017 Palace Stocks and Bonds AMERICAN BROKERAGE CORPORATION Buys and sells 200 Ply Bldg. WE NOCKS OR BONDS. COS BEE EWIN WOODPORD CO. Palace Bide a buy aml tell unlisted stocks and bonds. E.
11. DUTCHER Plymouth Lient Now York RETriEs RETURNED of reference. dealers In clostag his land conMoney by land. 074 Journal. Financial Wanted.
WANT -mortgage good Ordeld, Metropolitan Bank Nic, 31032. MONEY TO LOAN CITY LOAN COMPANY WILL TOAN MONEY for any worthy purpose 00 pianos salary OF secured notes. You arrange to repay to or monthey at low rate of nterest. Wilt arrange to pay your present accounts, inquiries from persons desiring contidential service, See us or call up phone Room 201 MONEY TO LOAN. Jewelry, furs.
oriental AMERICAN LOAN SOCIETY. at see and float, WANTED TO DIAMONDS FOR CASTE CALL MOUTH ALDO. A MONEY on bought Edwards. Court NEXT TO GODLINESS "Cleanliness is next to Godliness, the ancient scribe wrote and it is still considered so. by most people.
In fact, to be clean is so easy and so cheap that one usually judged by the condition of his clothes and general personal' cleanliness. Clean linen is one of the characteristic marks of the lady and gentleman and, if they are clean, it usually means that they have a good laundress in the house. To have a good laundress in the house means. that you have a Journal Want Ad laundress. Hence, ladies and gentlemen, those people who are up to date and well informed, are Journal Want Ad readers and users.
of 1 8100 FACTORY SECONDS TIRE BARGAIN ROUSE. 1520 HENNEPIN CACLAIMED tires, $3 nod uP. Inner cutter 75c and up. Send us your repair work, allet Valeantaine 2007 Nie. AUTO SUPPLIES AUTO PARTS AND.
ACCESSORIES. Parts for all standard makes cars. Save from 50 to 90 per cent. T. AUTO PARTS Nic.
4839, 1213 Hennepin AV. Ant. 30204. KISSEL KAR Parts and service station expert repair. 1521 Hennepin Nicollet 2911.
TIRES, auto phirts, etc. BLOOM ENSKY, Mach. 201 Plymonth AUTO REPAIRING AND PAINTING RADIATORS and tendera made and repaired. Standard Auto Repair 113 9th st Stores: MOTORCYCLES AND. BICYCLES FAIL TO SEI the 1910 model in the Excelsior.
Indians Henderson and Cleerland and Indian- Excelsior bievcles. Bargains fu motorcycles, Smith moter wheel. Buckboard and rebullt motorercles and bieseles, Now at our Dew store 417 6th at 8. ERA THREE SPEED TWIN Indian. Prestolite and tandem.
Nicollet 9550. WINTER HAVE $000 mortgage drawing 6 per rent, 160 acres of land in Benson county, three miles from railroad town, land worth 82,200. mortgage ahead of mipe, WIlL trade for good anto, Will close at once. 3. Brown, Kennan, Wis.
WANTED -Standard make roadster It dition as part paymetre for two good lots. H. W. WHITE INVESTMENT COM- FORD wanted or other light make. Will Day cash.
Nicollet 7452. 894162. PAY CARIE FOR GOOD USED CARS. ROY L. MOORE, 1307 HENNEPIN AV NICK, corner lots will trade for cart will pay difference Phone Past 4487.
EXCHANGE HOUSE north. for car up to 81.250. 303 Globe BIde. HAVE $1.200 second mortgage to trade for wtt to. Call E.
HORSES, LIVESTOCK, VEHICLES JACK AND STALLION. Want quick deal on fine dark gray Percherom stallion. No. 121771. Four years old.
Also One Jack. Chief, No. 5028. Black; coming 8 years old. Big.
Prefer cash dent, but It you have thing clear, and good. may consider. sider cattle. Write for full particulars or wire or telephone me-nt once, J. BECKER, CALALAR.
TOW A. FOR new government humane metal horse collars at $5 per pair. any size. These collars cost the government per Used government McClellan saddles, $10 each. Also secondhand L.
S. army, tenter made of 12,4 ounce duck, equipped with hood and ropes. These tents coat the gorerament from $85. to $100 each. Our price ench.
Inquire Barrett Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, St. HORSES MARES- HORSES MARES- We have for sale at all times a large stock of mules, work horses and farm borses, mares and at prices cannot be duplicated. If in the market. do not fall to see our offer. Barrett A Zimmerman, Midway Itorio Market, Mt.
Paul. SNAPS. horses replaced by nuto trucks. Good horses cheat, All tried and coaranteed, FROST COMMISSION STABLES, 218 24 TEN HEAD young chunks mares, mound, welght 1,300 to 1.700: some good work horses, sound and cheap. We are closing out all horses, wagons and harness to make room for trucks anything in our line chess.
407 at BARGAINS Big horses, weigh 3.100, PH old, mare aid colt. 4 year mare: weight 1,100. buggies- boxes, www, hagrack, aceodrack, everything must go Northern hotel. 121 1st N. FOR SALE 10 vonne mates, weighing from to 1.400 one ADAn welshInc 2.000 pounds Call Seventh Street Express, 011 7th S.
See manager FORTY HEAD of draft horses from 1,500 to 1.700, the best money can buy, Dan Lean, 20 BY ALT KINDS of farm and or double. Price 815 and 407 7th 8. ONE BIG MARE. RIte weight 1.800, Flue worker or brood mare. cheap, 407 7th st 8, NEW and secondhand harness, farm wagons, also horses.
615 4th at N. Horses, Livestock, Vehicles Wanted WE are- always ready to buy and pay cagh for horses. vetiletes. harness, Barrett Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, 8t. Paul.
WANTED- We pay highest cash prices for blind or broken down horses. Drexel 1051. Aut. 61147. Dogs, Cats, Birds and PetsWANTED white and place and all kinds, AY Nie.
14047 111 Main 3654. STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. unequaled fuellitien for packipg, moving. ANd Goods. big Fireproof WarEhouse.
with many steam heated rooms and the Te large many A WO For distance Toes (anywhere within miles) try tifeir Stotor. City orice. 18 7th Warehouse Take st. Freight House toon A. Phones: 1.
8. 30 161 or Main MI ANU 14 7th Phones Store goods with. the safest and mont the Positively rete, roule, piano Our packers and more SAFE Ante deposit foe valuables. and storage vault for nod allyer. Prices very Largest and best and NOTICE NOTIC stock holders the Pant Marte: Notice is herehy elven that regular meeting of the wall company stockholders be weld the general office the company National Son Line building.
10 Minneapolis, of Minnesota Tuesday, May 20. 10 o'clock in the for the election of director the transgetion of such other business as my before the meeting. Each share of stock enjitled to other Vote. Stockholders may tie person by proxy duly aDp writings Stockholders of Tecord the close of business Saturday, April -10. 1919, will ban entitled to vote at said meeting.
Edmund president. Ge W. Weh whet secretary. NOTICE Scotland, In three miles of for constructing wit late will rerelved city until June Thane and specification auditor nitten. FINANCIAL 6100 TO 50,000 on real estate no ilex Jay.
Tabour Realty 338 McKnight.